About “The Mystic Dom”

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Photo of The Mystic Dom who is a dominant in the BDSM Lifestyle

The Mystic Dom  has always been interested in experiences derived beyond the obvious. deep in thought, mature in action whilst imparting unparalleled mutual pleasure. Experiences that stretch beyond the imagination of the mundane and boring mindset to cross barriers of passion… sensuality … and ecstasy.

Having been into the deep intuitive world of BDSM first hand since 2005 when he moved to Europe in his early 20’s (so not your cliched google search educated Dom & definitely not the “Fifty Shades of Grey” educated Dom) , The Mystic Dom is a soul who is a collage of experiences that have spread across barriers of cultures, nationalities and personalities . He feels honored by the trust endowed by his subs into him and he feels that in their process of discovering themselves, the journey has shed new light on his own self.

The intent of this blog is not to educate any soul to the world of BDSM. Albeit , in the process of writing the different topics he intends to  or experiences to be shared , if a willing soul finds his /her education , he shall be honored . The Mystic Dom combines sensuality with serendipity , kink with class , and erotica with exhilaration . He always believes that the Mind is the most erotic organ of the human body as  it controls everything. And the “power to control” by your thoughts, conversations and thinking ( in a positive way) is one of the most attractive virtue .

A nomadic soul by nature ,  A true gentleman by day, A passionate lover by night and a Mystic Dom for all seasons.

Feel like sharing your thoughts out to him ? Feel like pouring all that you have held within ? Then do not hold back . Break down the walls of apprehension and leave all taboos at the door as you reach to him.

He currently resides in India.

You can reach him via the clicking this link  Contact  

His social media  links-> Instagram   Pinterest    Tumblr 

Welcome to his World ! Welcome to his Soul !  …..And yes ofcourse !

BDSM Dominant Submissive lifestyle describing naughty quote that talks about exploring the dark wild naughty side

Disclaimer- All Content on this blog is written and owned by The Mystic Dom. All photos / Images are from Google, Pinterest, Tumblr etc and the blog author claims no copyright on them. The images are used for only representation purpose and not for any commercial use on this blog.

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18 thoughts on “About “The Mystic Dom”

    1. The Mystic Dom says:

      The pleasure “and more ” is all mine 😉 .

      ( Lol…Am a cheeky sinful master … Don’t tell me I didnt warn you before 😉 )

      1. Sofia says:

        lol Good, then you and I shall get along just fine for I can be a cheeky sinful subbie girl (Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you ahead of time). 🙂

        1. themysticdom says:

          That’s two to tango
          and so
          it shall be fun to Jive
          I will look forward to lap up the nectar
          now that the Queen bee herself
          has invited me to her hive . 😉

          1. Sofia says:

            Oh my… You do have a way with words. 🙂
            I wish I could reply as eloquently as you but it’s past my bedtime.
            Until next time…
            Good night Mystic Dom.

      1. Wet Bliss says:

        Yes, I like everything about the man portrayed on this page. The beliefs, confidence, honesty, diversity, experiences gained, motivation and so on.

          1. Wet Bliss says:

            I like to think so; I honor him daily through my fantasies, while I hold on to hope and wait patiently. 😉

  1. Sexy Saggitarian says:

    A nice intro Mystic Dom. Alluring enough to tease the senses and want to know more. I hope you reach the levels beyond what your mind thinks possible..

    1. The Mystic Dom says:

      The feeling is likewise Mademoiselle . A true mind and soul never has finite limits . There is no parameter to break , no benchmarks to set ! You are as infinite you wish to be , as eternal as you seek 🙂


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