Mirror Mirror

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BDSM Couples having sensual erotic love sex facing the mirror and their reflection is beautiful

Mirror mirror … on the wall
Now that you are seeing it all

Watch how he grooves. His passionate thrusts
A scene of love… Yet pure lust

His every move… Digging deep
My sweet nectar… Slowly seeps

Breaks my mind… Makes me free
The journey into…Ecstasy

Each passing thrusts.. Knows no sane bound
Digging deeper… Round after round..

My lips twitched … Moan a sigh
Am in heaven… I wont lie

“Yes Master …. Dig in more
Tear me apart….Feel my core”

“Feel me places… Deep within
My Souls seeks peace… In sensual sin”

“Take me higher…. Like never before
Soar me away….Wash me ashore”

Finally I can…. take no more
As he gets ready ..For a final roar

As we cum … In a synchro scene
Losing senses…  Like never been

Filling each other… Down the lane.
Both drenched… In orgasmic rain

Thats some love… Into I have been !!!
Tell me Mirror …..Have you ever seen ?

Mirror Mirror ..On the Wall 

© The Mystic Dom 2014

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6 thoughts on “Mirror Mirror

  1. Wet Bliss says:

    I wanted you to know that I’m still patiently waiting here for your next brilliant post. A prose piece to inspire or a poetic piece to admire. 😉

    1. The Mystic Dom says:

      I have missed you and ofcourse missed coming on here ! Work has been hectic leaving me very little time for poetic passion. Just written a new piece a minute ago and wanted you to know that . I look forward to hear from you love xxx


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