Coffee with the Devil : Planning for the Birthday

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Beautiful Buxom Naked woman with bare breasts bosoms and perky nipples has coffee cup with some coffee beans on her chest and stirring the coffee in it

It’s a lazy day with the summer sun casting its glory and keeping things nice and warm .  And here I am,  a week away from my birthday !!! Am I excited ? May be yes ! May be no ! The problem ,with birthdays , is that you want something good and interesting to happen  on that day . If it does , you have hit the jackpot and if it doesn’t , there is a let down .

So here I am with my 4 pm cuppa of coffee and having a conversation with myself, rather , with the devil  of my mind . Obviously ,the thoughts are peppered about  “The Gorgeous Coffee Tray “ you see in the picture above  😉

To be honest , I have no idea of what my plan is for my  birthday . I am a single soul with no attachments . So I really do not own anybody  nor do I want them to leave their busy schedule or personal obligations to be with me . So do I really want to plan ? Not really !!!  I am happy for the river to  flow by itself . If the sailing is calm ,its still ok . If I have some passionate wind unfurling there ,then great ! Not all storms are unwanted  😉  .  I would definetly love something pleasantly  wild to happen though . Let’s be honest ,who wouldn’t ?

I mean , we all like the usual surprise party by friends and family but what if the cherry on the cake reveals itself later at night. What if my current sub treated me to my most favourite action !!!  ( I will reveal you all what my favourite action is  someday later ).   What if the old friend whom I taught a few tricks to appease her future husband called up and said those sweet words  “ Sir,  He is not in town..Its been long time “ !!!  What if Ms xxx in my office (who has been giving me  those looks lately) comes upto me after the folks wish me and  asks  whether she could treat me for a drink , and more !!!   What if Mrs xxx down the block calls up and whispers  “My handcuffs are not being put to use lately ..Would you mind “ !!!   What if…What if …. !!!!!!

“Hmnn Boy ! You shouldn’t be thinking so much “ , I tell,  to the Devil within .   “Oh ,is it “ , He retorts back , continuing  only to have the last laugh  “ Betcha you like your coffee hot, dark ,and deep …Just like the plan you are shaping up in your mind  with me “   😉

© The Mystic Dom 2014

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